Termékek változáskezelési rendszer (89)

Mágneses Szállítószalag

Mágneses Szállítószalag

Magnetic chip conveyors transfer wet or dry ferrous scrap without carryover. PRAB’s magnetic chip conveyors effectively transfer wet or dry ferrous chips, stamping slugs, turnings, parts or die scrap without carryover. This scrap conveyor system moves material with the aid of permanent ceramic magnets located under a stainless-steel slider bed. An oil reservoir in the base of the conveyor self-lubricates the chain for quiet performance and low maintenance of this scrap handling system.
2200L Hidraulikus Emelő Rendszer Földalatti Hulladéktároló - Földalatti Hulladéktároló Rendszer

2200L Hidraulikus Emelő Rendszer Földalatti Hulladéktároló - Földalatti Hulladéktároló Rendszer

Download the technical specification from the attachment.Download the technical specification from the attachment. PRODUCT CODE:TK-2200-UG
BLOCAN alumínium kábelkezelő rendszer - Gyors telepítés és optimális szervezés

BLOCAN alumínium kábelkezelő rendszer - Gyors telepítés és optimális szervezés

Nelle macchine moderne oggi si nascondono numerosi cavi di corrente, dati e di comando nonché tubi pneumatici, la cui lunghezza complessiva si estende facilmente per varie migliaia di metri in impianti di grandi dimensioni. Per garantire l'ordine e un montaggio semplice di questa molteplicità di cavi vengono utilizzate le canaline. Il sistema di canalizzazione cavi BLOCAN® in alluminio anodizzato non conquista solo per la piacevolezza del design, ma anche per la molteplicità di dettagli ben congegnati che offre al cliente un notevole valore aggiunto e facilita molto il lavoro. Le canaline per cavi nelle misure 40, 40x20, 40x80, 80x40 e 80x80 sono fornite come barre da 6 metri o come tagli. Le canaline per cavi sono disponibili anche con fori di fissaggio, una novità assoluta per le canaline in alluminio. Queste possono successivamente essere collegate in modo estremamente rapido con una scanalatura del profilato BLOCAN® tramite una clip di montaggio oscillante.


Kalite kontrol hizmetimiz, sahip olduğumuz ileri teknoloji ile üretim süreçlerini sürekli olarak doğrular ve kontrol eder. Dijital kumpas, mikrometre, dijital ve manuel açı ölçer gibi ölçüm aletlerimiz ile, projelerinizin her aşamasında yüksek kalite standartlarını sağlıyoruz. Müşteri memnuniyetini ön planda tutarak, her türlü kalite kontrol ihtiyacınıza profesyonel çözümler sunuyoruz. Kalite kontrol hizmetimiz, yüksek hassasiyet ve kalite standartlarına uygun olarak gerçekleştirilir. Deneyimli ekibimiz ve modern ekipmanlarımız ile projelerinizin her aşamasında yanınızdayız. İhtiyaçlarınıza uygun çözümler sunarak, projelerinizin başarıyla tamamlanmasını sağlıyoruz.
Iroda Szék OMS-030

Iroda Szék OMS-030

The Office Chair is crafted to offer superior comfort and ergonomic support, making it an ideal choice for professionals who spend extended hours at their desks. Its adjustable features, including seat height and backrest tilt, allow for a personalized seating experience that caters to your individual preferences. The chair's sturdy construction and high-quality materials ensure it can withstand the rigors of daily use, providing long-lasting value for your investment. In addition to its functional attributes, the Office Chair features a modern design that enhances the aesthetic appeal of any office space. The chair's cushioned seat and breathable backrest provide a comfortable seating experience, while its sleek lines and contemporary finish add a touch of sophistication to your workspace. Whether you're working on important projects or attending virtual meetings, the Office Chair offers the support and style you need to perform at your best.
PFLITSCH Összeszerelési Szolgáltatás - Összeszerelt fémcsatornák kész egységekké

PFLITSCH Összeszerelési Szolgáltatás - Összeszerelt fémcsatornák kész egységekké

Einbaufertige Kanalsysteme – pünktlich zum Fixpreis Mit dem PFLITSCH-Baugruppen-Service erhalten Sie eine Kombination aus hochwertigen Kanal-Produkten ergänzt um eine professionelle Beratung zu Planung, Konfektionierung, Werkzeugen und Montage. Für Kunden bringt das eine höhere Produktivität, mehr Rationalisierung und Kostenersparnis. Metallkanäle von Hand zu bearbeiten, ist aufwendig, personalintensiv, teuer und oft auch mit zeitraubender Nacharbeit verbunden. PFLITSCH fertigt maßgeschneiderte, einbaufertige Kanalbaugruppen nach CAD-Plan effizient und rationell. Das bringt Kunden eine hohe Zeitersparnis und entlastet Mitarbeiter von Routineaufgaben. Die Lieferung erfolgt termingerecht zum Fixpreis, auf Wunsch auch inklusive der Montage vor Ort. Ihre Vorteile: Transparente und günstige Gesamtkosten Dokumentengerechte Planung Automatisch generierte Stück- und Bestelllisten Terminsichere Lieferzeiten Optimierte Fertigungsplanung Entlastung Ihrer Mitarbeiter Material:Aluminium
Kanál élelmiszerekhez, kék - Használható a HACCP/IFS/BRC idegen tárgyak kezelésének részeként

Kanál élelmiszerekhez, kék - Használható a HACCP/IFS/BRC idegen tárgyak kezelésének részeként

The SteriPlast® spoon for foodstuffs, made of polystyrene, is produced in our class 7 clean room (10,000), individually packaged for disposable use and then sterilised by gamma rays. The spoon for foodstuffs is available in two sizes, 2.5 ml (similar to a teaspoon) and 10 ml (similar to a tablespoon), and is ideal for sampling powders, granulates, pastes and fluids. The shade of blue that is used does not occur in a natural form in foodstuffs. Because of this, blue products or parts of them can be quickly found and easily identified in a visual check if they are ever mixed into production. The use of blue tools thus helps to meet the requirements of the HACCP hazard analysis and assessment in reference to foreign objects. This is an important criterion, especially in food processing and production and in the animal feed and pharmaceutical industry. Material:PS
Compact Rail Plus - Kapható dupla soros golyóscsapágyakkal nagy terhelhetőségekhez

Compact Rail Plus - Kapható dupla soros golyóscsapágyakkal nagy terhelhetőségekhez

Compact Rail Plus linear guides feature double row ball bearings for higher load capacities and rigid rails with convex raceways and new robust steel sliders with longitudinal protection and floating wipers, Compact Rail Plus has been designed for the most demanding applications in terms of high load capacities, high dynamics and work environment. All while maintaining the self-aligning capabilities that make this product family unique. Sliders are available in four versions: guiding slider (RV); floating slider (RP); extra-floating slider (RU) and rotating slider (RA). Combining two rails with different sliders makes it possible to create self-aligning systems that can compensate misalignment errors on two planes: axial up to 3.5 mm and radial up ±1.3°. Available rail sizes :18,28,43 Max. operating speed:7 m/s ( 276 in/s) (depending on application) Max. acceleration:20 m/s2 ( 787 in/s2 ) (depending on application) Max. radial load capacity:10,800 N ( per slider) Temperature range:-20 °C to +120 °C (-4 °F to +248 °F ) briefly up to max. +150 °C (+302 °F ) Rollers material:steel 100Cr6 (also available stainless steel AISI 440) Roller pins lubricated for life:4,080 mm (160.6 in) on request for sizes 28 and 43. Roller seal/shield:2RS (splash-proof ) Rail material of rails size 28-43:cold-drawn carbon steel CF53 Rail material of rails size 18:cold-drawn carbon steel 20MnCr5 Optimal reliability in dirty environments:Uniquely quiet with ground raceways
Basic flizz®

Basic flizz®

- Low-maintenance system for travel up to 100 m - Other sizes and versions available, travel up to 200 m and more with E2 roller e-chains® - Protection against weather and dirt exposure - Cost-effective and fully enclosed complete solution - Standardized and modular design - Simple wall assembly or optional floor mounting - Cable lengths up to 50% shorter than festooning, low-profile installation and no cable junction - Cables are at all times guided with a defined bending radius, and tensile forces are absorbed by the e-chain® - Cables cannot hook, jam, or tear - No slip ring contacts (as is the case on motor drums) -Cables or hoses can easily be retrofitted at any time Reduce electricity costs - direct drive due to scraper, no additional drives needed (as is the case on motor drums) Scraper arm (e.g. as mechanical connection to the scraper carriage) optionally available - we document the situation on-site and will propose a customised solution
Kábelkezelő és Telepítési Rendszerek: Külső Kábelcsatornák, KGR...H60 Kábelcsatorna

Kábelkezelő és Telepítési Rendszerek: Külső Kábelcsatornák, KGR...H60 Kábelcsatorna

Material: Sendzimirverzinkter Stahl PN-EN 10346:2015-09. F - Feuerverzinkter Stahl gem. PN-EN ISO 1461:2011 nur: - KGL... Breite 50-200mm - KGJ... Länge 3m, L - Pulverlackierung in bel. Farbe RAL Zusätzliche Informationen Kabelrinnen KGJ ... H60 Länge 6 m sind auf Lager verfügbar Es besteht die Möglichkeit, die Kabelrinnen ineinander zuschieben und die Montage ohne Verbinder auszuführen. Zur Montage sind Flachrundschrauben-Sätze SGKM6x12 oder SGM6x12 notwendig. Anwendung von Verbindern wird nur bei hohen Belastunegn empfohlen.


Energy production from biomass and waste is on the rise throughout Europe and the world. KROGER has been an established, reliable partner in this sector for many years. KROGER’s maintenance-free grab systems are especially advantageous in both safety and economic terms when used in waste incineration plants, refuse-derived fuel (RDF) incineration plants, combined heat and power (CHP) plants and slag handling. In these extremely difficult, hard-to-access environments, maintenance or lubrication work is costly and often risky for service technicians. KRÖGER offers rrope or motor grabs for a variety of different cranes for use in this particular industry.
Csavaros szállító KÖBO ECO>PROCESS GmbH-tól

Csavaros szállító KÖBO ECO>PROCESS GmbH-tól

Screw conveyors are used for the intermediate conveying of short and long chips under the machines or from chip bunkers. Their size depends on the type of chip and the accumulation of chips. Functionality: • Transport of chips by means of a rotating screw conveyor / material transport by an Archimedean screw • The auger bucket is located in a tube or trough and is driven by a geared motor • The bulk material lies on the "thread" and is conveyed in the desired direction by continuous rotation • The size of the conveyors depends on the type of bulk material and chips • Horizontal, vertical or inclined material transport Typical use cases: • Removal of chips from chip bunkers • Suction locks of pneumatic suction systems or return pump stations • Intermediate transport of short and long chips • Chip discharge from chip bunkers, worm shaft with continuous or progressive pitch • Discharge of filter cake after coolant filtration Customer benefits: • Targeted dosing of chips/dosed chip removal through operation with frequency inverters • Adjustable conveying speeds possible with FU operation • Efficient transport solution with low space requirements • Robust design for extreme working conditions, therefore hardly susceptible to faults Technical data: • Conveyed material: short chips and bulk materials • Width/usable width [mm]: Ø80-500 • Length [m]: max. 10
Krómbevonatú Dugattyúrudak - Krómbevonatú acél dugattyúrudak hidegen húzott belső felülettel E355 + N

Krómbevonatú Dugattyúrudak - Krómbevonatú acél dugattyúrudak hidegen húzott belső felülettel E355 + N

Weltweit einzigartig ist bei der Schierle Stahlrohre GmbH & Co. KG die Möglichkeit der Kombination aus dem Bezug von Stahlrohren und -stangen als Handelsware sowie von maßgeschneiderten Komponenten auf Kundenwunsch und nach Zeichnung für die verschiedensten Anwendungen. Das Produkt "Verchromte Kolbenrohre E355+N bzw. +SR (St52.0 NBK bzw. BK+S), Innenoberfläche kaltgezogen" weißt die folgenden Spezifikationen auf: Toleranz aD: bis Ø 17 mm ISO f8
Grupo PR-500 szállítható kézi motovariátorral

Grupo PR-500 szállítható kézi motovariátorral

El Grupo PR-500 Transportable con motovariador manual es una solución de bombeo versátil y portátil, diseñada para aplicaciones industriales que requieren movilidad y control preciso del flujo. Equipado con un motovariador manual, permite al operador ajustar fácilmente la velocidad del bombeo según las necesidades del proceso, ofreciendo una flexibilidad inigualable. Su diseño compacto y transportable facilita el uso en diferentes ubicaciones, siendo ideal para sectores como la construcción, agricultura, minería y tratamiento de aguas. La estructura robusta del Grupo PR-500 asegura una larga durabilidad, mientras que su facilidad de ajuste manual permite una operación eficiente y segura. Este grupo motobomba es compatible con una amplia gama de líquidos, desde agua hasta productos químicos no corrosivos, ofreciendo una solución fiable para diversas aplicaciones industriales.
Liftkezelés CAA480ATR - ATRIUM® Hozzáférés-ellenőrzés

Liftkezelés CAA480ATR - ATRIUM® Hozzáférés-ellenőrzés

Il modulo Gestione Ascensori collegato alla centrale A22 via E-Bus è in grado di controllare fino a 16 piani ascensore. Quando il badge abilitato viene letto il sistema di Controllo Accessi ATRIUM attiva il relè del piano, permettendo all’utente di selezionare il piano desiderato. Se più utenti si trovano all’interno dell’ascensore ognuno di loro dovrà leggere il proprio badge per selezionare il piano abilitato. Dimensione Custodia (L x W x D):400 x 337 x 105mm Tamper e Antincendio:1 Assorbimento:2.5A max
Vevői áramlás menedzsment - Turn-O-Matic Rendszer M3

Vevői áramlás menedzsment - Turn-O-Matic Rendszer M3

M3 starter package, keypad operation via a cable connection
Raklapemelők TÁVKEZELŐ

Raklapemelők TÁVKEZELŐ

Le gestionnaire de distance facilite le picking
Guardian™ Hűtőfolyadék Újrahasznosító Rendszer

Guardian™ Hűtőfolyadék Újrahasznosító Rendszer

Reduce coolant waste up to 90%. The effective solution to coolant recycling. The PRAB Guardian™ is a centralized system for recycling used coolants, reducing waste fluids up to 90%, and eliminating concerns about wastewater haul-away liabilities. Typical payback in six to nine months. These versatile and centralized coolant recycling systems remove tramp oils and suspended solids from contaminated coolant, control bacteria and can adjust fluid concentration for fluid recovery. Each turnkey system is designed for easy installation, quick start-up, and simple, efficient operation- clearly making it the best coolant recycling solution on the market today. For a calculation of just how quickly you will pay this system back, call us for a free ROI estimate.


Cool die scrap, cast parts, and other material in a water quench conveyor. Cool parts and metal scrap in a water quench conveyor, where air cooling is not sufficient or practical. Liquid-tight conveyors for die cast, heat transfer, parts cooling and coating operations. Quench conveyors are excellent for applications where air cooling is not sufficient or practical. Choose from a complete line of liquid-tight scrap material conveyors for your die cast, heated metal handling, parts cooling or coating operation. A water quench conveyor can greatly improve upon your scrap handling systems applications when air cooling is not sufficient or practical for your operation
Padlócsatorna szállító

Padlócsatorna szállító

Quiet, efficient transfer of all types of machining scrap with the in-floor scrap conveyor. Convey all types of metal chips, fines and turnings, wet or dry bushy wads, and tramp metal solids, in a liquid-tight trough. Ideal for high-volume coolant-flow applications.
Fém Forgó Aprító

Fém Forgó Aprító

Industrial metal shredders for reducing light to moderate wads of metal turnings to flowable chips. Reduce volumes by shredding metal turnings into flowable chips for higher value in scrap metal recycling. PRAB’s industrial metal shredders are a safe and cost-effective way to process all types of steel turnings and other metalworking scrap. They use less space for storage prior to scrap metal recycling and provide safer work areas. Available as a system integrated unit for use with chip processing/scrap removal equipment or as a stand-alone unit for volume reduction at the source. The development of automated scrap removal systems begins with reducing the volume of metal turnings. Milling, turning, screw machining, and swiss machining operations all produce waste that varies in size, length, hardness, and configuration depending on the tool, operation, and material characteristics.
Vertikális Tengelyű Zúzó

Vertikális Tengelyű Zúzó

Reduce metal turnings and bulky wads into shovel-grade chips with a vertical axis crusher. The PRAB vertical axis metal crusher provides continuous, positive feed operation for high volume scrap reduction on the plant floor. Nested wads of metal turnings take up valuable floor space, are a safety hazard and have reduced scrap metal recycling value due to added processing costs. The PRAB vertical axis crusher is one of the most effective pieces of scrap metal processing equipment for quickly and safely creating flowable, thumbnail-sized chips from wads of turnings. Turnings are fed into the crusher’s feed hopper either by self-dumping hoppers, a plant-wide conveyor system, or an automated dump system with standard barrels or chip carts. The crusher’s feed hopper housing -with fixed cast cutters and rotating cutter- then directs the material down into the fixed and rotating cutter rings, where the material is reduced to flowable thumbnail sized chips.
Horizontális Tengely Zúzó

Horizontális Tengely Zúzó

Reduce low volume turnings to flowable chips- at the source. Continuous low volume metal scrap reduction at the source. Metal crushers are the economical solution for processing stringy and bulky turnings into flowable chips. This piece can be integrated into existing equipment or free-standing. PRAB’s automated scrap removal systems are designed for volume reduction of metal turnings. The comprehensive focus on chip processing provides metalworking companies with an automated, safe and cost-effective way to process all kinds of metal scrap. The first step in this operation is to create flowable chips from metal turnings with scrap handling equipment. The Horizontal Axis Crusher processes low volumes of stringy and bulky metal turnings. This scrap metal recycling equipment is typically mounted on a stand or heavy-duty cart which fits on the discharge of the conveyor off the machining center
Csavaros szállító

Csavaros szállító

Meter feed and distribute wet or dry chips, turnings and swarf with the metal screw conveyor. Cost effective scrap conveyor system suited for horizontal or inclined applications. The PRAB metal screw conveyor is often used to feed other scrap metal equipment, such as a shredder or wringer, because of its ability to separate bundled material and meter feed. Easy to operate and virtually maintenance free. This scrap conveyor is engineered to handle a wide range of metalworking scrap for chip processing. It is most often used to feed other scrap metal equipment, such as a shredder or wringer, because of its ability to separate bundled material and meter feed equipment. This model scrap conveyor is available in a wide range of sizes with many options depending on the type and form of material, and storage or recycling needs. PRAB engineers each screw conveyor to match the exact needs of each individual application.
Ipari Tramp Olaj Elválasztó

Ipari Tramp Olaj Elválasztó

Cut new coolant purchases up to 75% with the PRAB tramp oil separator system. Extend the life of soluble oils, coolants and washwater. The PRAB tramp oil separator system removes free-floating and mechanically dispersed tramp oils, bacteria, slime, inverted emulsions, and more from individual machine sumps, central systems, and wash tanks. Systems can be installed machine side, or as a centralized system. Payback in as little as 6-9 months. PRAB Tramp oil separators are designed as a simple, trouble-free, economic solution for fluid reclamation- removing free-floating and mechanically dispersed tramp oil from individual machine sumps, central systems and wash tanks.


Eliminate misting and plant air quality issues. Ideal for air cooling of hot die castings. Eliminates misting and air quality issues associated with water quench conveyors. Run continuously or indexing. The application of a casting cooler can help meet operational needs while eliminating misting and improving plant air quality. Extended lengths are available with single and/or multiple fan designs for this specific kind of scrap metal equipment. Coolers can run continuously or indexing.
Húzó láncos szállító

Húzó láncos szállító

Chain conveyors made to handle severe-duty, highly abrasive, metal chips, fines and swarf. Transfer and elevate the most difficult and abrasive wet or dry metal chips, fines, swarf, die scrap and other materials with this rugged, chain driven, liquid-tight conveyor. Every part of this rugged chain driven conveyor is designed for severe duty. The Heavy-duty, abrasion-resistant flight bars of the scrap conveyor feature an exclusive bolt-free connection so they stay strong under grueling conditions. The abrasion-resistant steel press-formed trough is liquid tight and comes standard with safety covers


The PRAB ScrapVeyor™ features leak-proof construction that retains 100% of cutting fluids when moving scrap to its destination, and positive discharge provides a clean operation while eliminating carryover. Combine this scrap conveyor with a distribution system to maximize operational load-out efficiency. This fully automated and liquid-tight scrap conveyor with positive discharge provides a clean operation when it comes to die scrap, chip processing and material handling. Combine this scrap conveyor with a distribution system to maximize operational load-out efficiency.
120L Műanyag Hulladékgyűjtő Barna Szín

120L Műanyag Hulladékgyűjtő Barna Szín

120L Plastic Waste Container Brown Color Weight: 8,75kg Dimensions: 470mm*530mm*950mm(h) Original HDPE
Dualpak™ Brikettáló gépek

Dualpak™ Brikettáló gépek

Superior dual ram compression technology for producing the industry’s densest metal scrap pucks. PRAB’s Dualpak™ Briquetting Machines increase the value of metal chips, loose turnings and swarf by compressing them into near solid, dry briquettes for scrap metal recycling to send to the recycler or feed to furnace. Unlike competing briquetting machines, the Dualpak™ uses two opposing hydraulic cylinders. These cylinders press metal equally from both sides, creating the driest, most compact scrap pucks on the market. Briquettes- or scrap pucks, are easy to re-melt, transport or store giving you more floor space, optimized container fill, cleaner shop and more value from the scrap dealer until a better price is available for scrap metal recycling. You’ll also maintain a cleaner, more environmentally friendly shop with a briquette press.